Tuesday, 20 May 2014

When god speaks to you

When god speaks to you…..

What is it that you would like to hear god say to you? I have often asked myself if I had a moment with god to ask anything that came to my mind, heart or soul, what would it be.

I thought of the deep, funny, awkward, weird, horrifying and well the just out of this world kind of questions.

The unheard voices:

A voice spoke, I turned to look around trying to see or find the person that was talking to me, yet nothing. Everyone seemed to be going on with their daily duties, CRAZY I thought I am and set down silently.

But I could not export the thought that someone or, now that I was losing it, something wanted to talk to me.

This became my moment for the answers, the voices came back, I had now heard the voices more than once and so I thought to myself, due to the technology of today, make sure no one is playing tricks on you, prank style. Lol

Not knowing who it was and not seeing anyone interested, I came to realise that it was all in my head but it felt as though I was talking to another person and it was their turn to speak.

So I took a chance, I thought, let me be that kid who has an imaginary friend and talk to the voice.

So I began to break this feeling of curiosity within me.

Like in the horror movies, hello was the first word from me to the voice, “Hi,” The voice said.

Freaked out, is what I felt but then hello, WAS WHAT I REPLIED and “Hi” the voice said AGAIN.

I welcomed the voice and being human, a chilled breeze of fear ran throughout my body, not knowing what, who or why this was happening,

I said to myself, breath son and accept what you’re feeling, this may feel as though it’s out of your comfort zone; however it is your turn to ask and be answered.

And so I started:

Bheki: “What am I meant to do within this lifetime and who gets to choose what kind of journey ones soul will take?”

The unheard voices: “Firstly, no soul gets to choose a journey, lifetime or the person it wants to be within any adventure, like you, as a human in this life time, your soul is here to learn too you know.”

Bheki: “I find that hard to believe, I feel that my soul is my teacher at times, so what exactly do you mean?”

The unheard Voices: “one year for you as you grow yearly, is one lifetime for your soul, it too has to age. Your soul specifically has unlocked the path between human and spirit,” The voice said

Think of the beginning of all life, notice how much knowledge the human race could have kept if the first of its kind wrote down all that they've learnt and shared it with every generation that came after,” said the voice

The voice continued to say, “Your soul has had time to learn and prepare itself for this lifetime, which it has attracted.

As thoughts create your past, present and future, your souls thinking, or thoughts if I may say, attracts its next life time from what it learns now. A better way of putting it is saying that, your soul learns from feelings rather than actions.”

I caught myself thinking of all that has just been said, trying to see why is it that my soul chose to attract such a life, but then the voice said.

The unheard voices: “Your soul’s is not in this lifetime for growth nor to learn, every time you think you’re learning something, ever notice how you always have a better way of seeing the answer? You are here to remind all life about all its tasks and why it came to be,”

That was it, I was now flowing with questions, I now had a different view and unique questions to ask and so being curious I asked.

Bheki: But what do you mean life and all its tasks?  

Bheki: is life itself a sole spirit?

Bheki: Does this mean that, what we think is life may just be an atom of what life truly is?

Bheki: Is our universe just like a galaxy within something bigger?

Bheki: hello?

Silence it suddenly became, no replies I received, HELLO, I screamed in my head that is……lol and silence was the answer.

That was when I discovered that I was talking to myself and I am about to get of the taxi now, so I might want to stop writing this.

Crazy things that one does, which then lead to finding the answers you seek. Lol.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

So what is this soul doing here?

So what is this soul doing here?

image by Loui Jover

written by Bhekumuzi Mdakane 

Not sure yet as to who but I do know that I, for one, am here for a very specific task, one that has made impact within the lives of many and yes you reading this are one of them.

It does not matter if we have met or not physically at all or if we know each other.

Our souls have met and yet of course there are those souls that I am meeting now as they read this.
Firstly I would like to warn those that may be reading this that please do continue.

 “Watch how old your soul is before you follow my legacy for I was born to teach legends and remind those that forgot why they are here”

Who does he think he is? What makes him think that he is here just for the legends and not everyone else? Why should I even bother reading on and where in heaven's name does he get this form of thought?
One would ask that and often I have been asked why I think, say and do all that I do?

However, just to make it clear, I at times don't find the legends they find me, see those that have made it this far by reading on of course are those that have said to themselves, “WAIT! I think this is all about me," and a part of you knows that it is a message for you.

A legend knows when GOD speaks to them and they do not only see the answer from their chosen GOD but from soul sent to them too and finding answers or finally seeing the answers for those that live within their created world.

Those that are blind to the words that come from the soul are often the ones that stopped reading from the title or just by reading the intro.

I may not be the best writer in the universe, yet I do want to share my thoughts so bear with me here.
Please note that even if you read and understand this it does not mean that you too are the legend of which I am here to teach.

A legend is the one that will accept the causes of all that they learn and, yes of course, those that are finally reminded what they are here to do.

There are souls like mine that were born to merely pass on a message to those that are seen as legends and to shape those that will be your legends.

I am no angel, I am an old soul that has come now to shape and build the foundation that was left by more elderly souls that taught those that played a huge role or made an impact within what we call humanity.

Buddha is the first of this whole lot, a soul that laid parts of the foundation that literally revolutionised the world as we see it today or more like all that influences us to create the world we live in today.

A soul once said “the mind is an entity of your thoughts, in other words, you are the result of your thoughts and the world you live is the manifestation of your thoughts,” true that is indeed I must say.

Jesus Christ too was one of the prophets that came to an understanding of or a conclusion of what influences a man to live in a certain way or choose what to believe.

In the end one can either create their own belief or follow what they believe is the right path for them, losing their true purpose along the way as they now live according to another person’s conclusion of what life is.
Jesus said “In the beginning was the word and the word was with GOD and the word was God”

Now the way I feel and accept what he says there is that he found a way to talk to one soul, he found a world that he could create for the next person to learn from.

His world that he created has influenced a great sum of generations all the way to date, the same way you see your current leaders and influential icons that one looks up to, for they possess a part you that you have lost, ( creating your own world )

What good are you if you’re just here to follow, your body is a vessel that carries your soul and your soul is here to create a better way of life for all, therefor if you follow another soul’s creation, you lose your purpose in finding a much united world for everyone. 

Monday, 31 March 2014

That comfort zone

Published by MdK Holdings

Written by Bhekumuzi Mdakane (Founder)

That comfort zone

It has been a journey to be honest; I have lived and died for the sake of reaching this point whereby I can say this with ease. In this lifetime I want to show the legends parts that they are missing as they grow, I would like to help your leaders see what makes a lasting legacy.

This body and life that I have chosen for this life time has nothing to do with being this person that everyone sees; he is merely my transport to you and I do need to use him for typing this out for I need to speak to your soul.

What have you done to yourself, I ask?

This is not how we all started, see in the beginning we were all given a task to help humanity feel and experience the art of LOVE.

You are not a legend nor are you a leader; they will never understand you for you won’t ever do so too.
It is not within you to not know anything about what humans are, you sometimes know things that surprise even you and your aura is a comfort zone for others.

You have the kind of knowledge that can change a young soul, that power you have to create a new belief, religion and reconstruct a person’s life and building a new generation.

Remember it took a human to convince the other how to live, what to believe in, and what to work for.
Before religion and science a chief had to explain to his or her village how things came to be the way they are from day and night, good and bad and most importantly life and death.

But this was not always the case as even the chief had a wise man who he or she listened to.
Humans have constructed a comfort zone for themselves slowly losing their way of doing what they are here to do like living and sharing their lives with everyone

What are you waiting for…… they now know?

Humans have got to a point where they identify the wrong and right however for some people like me there has never been a wrong or right but just the act or your souls purpose for that time. what you do is what your soul wants to learn from.

We know that we get angry; we know that we get sad, happy and boy do we know that WE CAN LOVE.
However, still humans persist in thinking that they are born to be different. Well no!!! You are born to experience those feelings and help each other see a better way of dealing with and excepting them.

Through all religious beliefs, spirituality and those wandering souls’ humans, they all have a common goal, which is to experience LOVE; even for that one they call a killer.

The one thing that humans don’t share is that feeling they get when listening to their favourite song, it is the only time or moment in time that one gets to feel what LOVE is.

Humans just want those around them to show them (LOVE).

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

My First Love

By Mathiba Molefe

Locked in a ninety minute embrace we go through the movements that have become a second nature to us, one foot in front of the other as we dance through the perfectly cut grass in a seemingly meaningless meandering pattern but with our intentions firmly set in our minds.

Caught up in the rapture that is our love we go toe to toe with those who would dare separate us in this moment of pure bliss, diving in feet first in an attempt to pry her from between my feet as I feint left only to dart right with a swivel of my hips.

Thousands cheer us on as we waltz down the left flank oblivious to the millions at home screaming at the little boxes in their living rooms, liquor in one hand and the other waving frantically in the air as if beating away some a swarm of bees invisible to those around them.

Only we can hear the music, only those who speak the universal language can make sense of our movement.
Finally the time has come for me to relinquish my possession as I’m forced to watch her dance with another man, better the man I know as friend than as foe, yet I cannot shake this feeling of loss as she meets the embrace of my comrade.

I pray she returns to me soon.

I continue on my way down the flank alongside a man with a brightly coloured flag in his grasp and I feel my heart beat faster as he waves it above his head.

She’s dead and lifeless and I, the sorcerer with my wand wrapped around my right foot am the one chosen to resurrect her.

I approach her rounded, lifeless form and set her in position, I have but one chance to bring her back from behind the veil.

I step back and take a few moments to compose myself, and then, with one long stroke of my wand I send her once lifeless form, now filled once again with the vigour that had caught my eye when we had first met, arching through the air, trajectory curved as wide as Aphrodite’s hips.

Over their heads she sailed, beyond their reach, towards the gaping maw of the veracious beast that only she can sate.

But who is this man?

His back towards the beast as he prepares to launch himself through the air, one of his gauntlet covered hands stretched out as if to meet her airborne countenance.

Futile are his attempts to stop her from nestling herself in the back of the beast’s throat.

A deafening din swirls within the cauldron that is our kingdom, on their knees our enemies fall, for those who stand tall are those who sport our emblem, our insignia, the mark of our people.

Our queen has returned.

If you love her set her free, they said, and she will return to you when she sees fit.
I prepare myself for the day that we meet again my love.

Oh how I long for your embrace.