Tuesday 11 June 2013

Ode to love and Music

by Ole Carsten

Golden keys are pushed gently,
Starting a softness in mind and heart,
Crystal tears start a fountain,
The ghost and spirits swirl around,
Music inspired by the love tunes floating.

Copper dark key bring fragile emotions,
All ears vibrate and capture unheard tunes,
So vivid melodies no feet can stop,
A devils plays all night long accompanied,
By angels choirs soft innocence voices.

In the a warm and gentle atmosphere,
Any woman and man feel a tickling shiver,
Down their spine while a warm breath sweeps,
Soft skin meets curly lips no shoulder goes free,
Among all dancers Cupids arrows hitting soft,

Love triumphing here tonight,
The bars are empty all tables left alone,
No chairs are used the beds are alone,
All guest and staff are dancing to the tunes,
Wrapped into each other's arms in faith.   

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