Monday 10 June 2013

Tears Of The Sun

by Baby Rainbow

Mummy cried herself to sleep last night
as she lay sobbing on the couch.
I stayed awake in my room last night
as I prayed for the sun to take away her tears.

Daddy died in the war yesterday,
he will never be coming home.
My family members wept rivers yesterday
as I prayed for the sun to take away their tears.

My little sister turned four today,
but she never got her birthday wish.
She sobbed into her teddy's fur today
as I prayed for the sun to take away her tears.

I was daddy's brave soldier every day
and now I have to take his place.
I fight back all of my tears every day
as I pray for the sun to take them away.

We have to say goodbye to daddy tomorrow
when we lower him into the ground.
But my daddy won't be crying tomorrow
because every time that he went away,

I prayed for the sun to take away his tears.

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